NFL Skills Challenge: times, how to watch on TV, stream online | NFL

The NFL Skills Showdown is an annual event that takes place during the Pro Bowl week. This year, it will be held on Thursday, February 1, 2024 in Orlando, Florida. The event will feature a series of skills competitions that will keep viewers entertained for about an hour and a half. You will be able to see your favorite players in a different light.

Watch the NFL Skills Challege live stream on FuboTV (free trial available)

But which skills will be showcased?

Precision Passing: Each conference’s three quarterbacks will get points by hitting as many targets as possible in one minute. The highest cumulative score conference gets three points. Ten static or drone-attached targets with one to five points are available

Best Catch: Best catch, pre-taped at Orlando landmarks, will showcase one player from each conference’s originality, inventiveness, and ability. The player receiving the most online votes for their favorite catch will receive three conference points.

Closest to the Pin: Six players from each conference will drive the Golf ball closest to the hole in this accuracy challenge. Winners receive three conference points.

High Stakes: Players start with a Football and try to catch JUGS punts. Players who grab the Football without dropping others move to the next round and try to catch another. The top Football catcher wins.

Dodgeball: Traditional dodgeball competition with four five-player teams. In game one, the AFC offense faces the NFC defense, and in game two, the NFC on the offensive faces the AFC defense. Winners get three conference points.

Kick Tac Toe: Kickers from each side will play a huge Tic-Tac-Toe. The first kicker to complete a connected line of three squares or hit five squares overall will win three points for his conference.

What time does NFL Skills Challenge start?

The NFL Skills Challenge will start on Thursday February, 1 at 7:00 p.m. ET / 4:00 p.m. PT.

How can I watch NFL Skills Challenge?

The following channels will be broadcasting the Game live in the US: ESPN

Watch the NFL Skills Challege live stream on FuboTV (free trial available)

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