Report: Serial rapist sentenced to more than 150 years

A television station is reporting that a convicted serial rapist has been sentenced to more than 150 years in prison

INDIANAPOLIS -- An Indiana judge has sentenced a convicted serial rapist to more than 150 years in prison, a television station reported Monday.

Prosecutors charged Darrell Goodlow in 2021 with 57 counts, including rape, burglary and criminal confinement. He pleaded guilty in March to nine counts, including eight felony counts of rape and one felony count of killing a domestic animal, as part of a plea agreement.

Marion Superior Judge Mark Stoner gave Darrell Goodlow 156 1/2 years behind bars, according to WIXN-TV. The report did not say when Goodlow was sentenced.

Online court records indicate that the case was resolved on Friday but don't say if the sentence was handed down then. The Associated Press left telephone messages with prosecutors and defense attorneys who are listed in the records as possibly participating in the case.

Prosecutors allege that Goodlow targeted women in their 60s and 70s on the east side of Indianapolis and in the suburb of Lawrence. They accused Goodlow of sexually assaulting eight women on six different occasions between August 2020 and September 2021.

In some cases, he dressed as a utility worker to gain access to his victims’ homes. He killed one of his victims' dogs during one attack, police said.

A fingerprint at one of the scenes helped investigators identify him. They also matched his DNA to evidence collected in all eight cases.


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