H̳u̳g̳e̳ Stargate Portal Or A̳l̳i̳e̳n̳ Spaceship Taking Off Terrifies A City

H̳u̳g̳e̳ Stargate Portal Or A̳l̳i̳e̳n̳ Spaceship Taking Off Terrifies A City

It’s December 2020 and I have been asking for answers to this from people for a long time now and still, there’s absolutely nothing in way of answers yo it’s origin, eye witness or anything like that. So, after a couple of years of asking I of the new updated opinion that this absolutely bogus. I have found nothing to support this supposed U̳F̳O̳, portal etc. I was very open minded a few years ago. But, like then as like now – I knew time would reveal all. Even if it’s not one answer because that in itself is an answer. That it’s fake.

This is the most unusual and absolutely breathtaking energy beam, sky portal or A̳l̳i̳e̳n̳ spaceship taking off but what is it – seriously just take your pick at whatever you want to call it? Your not wrong because it really could be “absolutely anything” right? I mean, look at it, explain what you see because i totally stuck. Whatever it is though, it is fantastic. If its real?

It could be an energy beam, that’s my first thoughts? It could be a secret testing of a prototype rocket but I highly doubt that. Is it A̳l̳i̳e̳n̳ in nature? Is it a portal, stargate or is it simply an electric burst from the clouds which I know it sounds stupid but I’m trying to cover all angles here. So that we get a better understanding of it “whatever it, is” We’ve never come across anything quite like this before, it’s huge. Why isn’t it in major news agencies? Is that because it’s fake I wonder…

It could be an energy beam, that’s my first thoughts? It could be a secret testing of a prototype rocket but I highly doubt that. Is it A̳l̳i̳e̳n̳ in nature? Is it a portal, stargate or is it simply an electric burst from the clouds which I know it sounds stupid but I’m trying to cover all angles here. So that we get a better understanding of it “whatever it, is” We’ve never come across anything quite like this before, it’s huge. Why isn’t it in major news agencies? Is that because it’s fake I wonder…

At the very beginning of the video you can see a black dot in the cloud right next to the energy beam (I’m going with energy beam here) and it might have something to do with this energy type beam? It could even be a U̳F̳O̳?

It could be a secret as yet unknown vehicle of some sort? It’s all speculation and as the sceptic in me is saying that we need more information before we make a decision. If this is a new type of space vehicle then “wow” this is terrifying!

Have you ever seen anything quite like this ever? Talk about having an otherworldly event occure? That would fill me with dread, anticip

ation and anxiety because of my “belief in A̳l̳i̳e̳n̳s” but rather fear of an A̳l̳i̳e̳n̳ invasion! That, I know for certain is going to happen you can safely bet the house on that.


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