How a Surprising Supreme Court Case Bolstered Conservative Education
F eb. 28, 2024, marks the 40th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s decision in Grove City College v. Bell (1984). The case pitted a small conservative Christian college against the Reagan Administration’s Department of Education (ED), with the two sides debating whether Title IX’s requirement to sign an Assurance of Compliance form was needed to receive federal funding for higher education. That form assured a policy of non-discrimination at the signing institution, a prerequisite that the 1972 legislation required in order to receive federal money for educational purposes. The Supreme Court upheld the legality of Title IX, but also limited its enforcement to only areas that received federal funding, in this case the receipt of federal student grants. This meant that even though Grove City would have to sign the form, federal oversight of educational equity on its campus would only be limited to student grants, not any program that benefited from money being offset by that federal money...