Advanced UFOs And Mysterious Alien Bases In Alaska
Jim Schnabel wrote about the US intelligence community’s role in the controversial problem psychic surveillance. It was most prevalent in the 1970s. His book Remote Viewers was published in 1997. “…Alaska’s Mount Hayes is a gem of a range of glaciers northeast of Anchorage. It hosted one the aliens’ greatest base,” Schnabel said. Schnabel was referring specifically to the abilities of a competent remote-viewer regarding topics of UFO nature. One Pat Price. Pat Price stated that the aliens who lived deep within Mount Hayes looked human-like, except for their eyes, heart, lungs and blood. The aliens used thought transfer to control the motor function of humans, which Price stated was alarming. Price said that the location was also responsible for the unusual behavior and malfunction of Soviet space objects and the United States. Despite this conflicting narrative, it is clear that the US Military was very interested in UFO activity in Alaska in the early years. E...